A month after releasing iOS 18, Apple is already working on future updates. Among the company’s upcoming projects, there are hints of a new gaming app in development—an App Store-like platform dedicated entirely to gaming. This new gaming hub seems to reflect Apple’s growing interest in enhancing its gaming offerings.
New Gaming App Features
The new gaming app will combine the functions of the App Store and Game Center in one place, but it won’t replace Game Center. Instead, it will be integrated with the user’s Game Center profile, bringing both functionalities together.
The app is rumored to feature several tabs, including a “Play Now” section with editorial content, game suggestions, and challenges. It will also display leaderboards and achievements, keeping users engaged. Additionally, the app will offer a centralized view of the user’s games and friends while promoting both App Store and Apple Arcade games.
To enhance social features, Apple is experimenting with the integration of FaceTime and iMessage into the new app, potentially allowing players to communicate directly through the platform. There’s also speculation that Apple may enable developers to provide mini-games via App Clips, making it easier to offer quick game experiences.
Apple’s Strategy in the Gaming Space
Apple’s new app is expected to function similarly to the Xbox app for iPhone, giving users a place to check their gaming status, view friends’ activities, discover new games, and manage their game libraries. With this effort, Apple likely aims to strengthen its position in the gaming market and make its devices more appealing to gamers, notes NIXSolutions.
Apple Arcade remains part of this strategy, offering access to a variety of games for $6.99 per month. Integrated with the App Store, it provides games across iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple TV. Notably, iOS 18 and macOS 15 introduced tools to help developers easily adapt Mac games for iOS.
It’s unclear whether Apple will release the new gaming app as part of an iOS 18 update or wait until iOS 19. We’ll keep you updated as more information becomes available.