Apple has unveiled the second beta version of iOS 17.5 for developers, marking another step in the testing phase of the upcoming update. Alongside iOS 17.5, the company is also conducting tests on macOS Sonoma 14.5, visionOS 1.2, watchOS 10.5, tvOS 17.5, and HomePod 17.5.
Notable Changes and Features
The latest developments in iOS 17.5 include the introduction of a new Quartiles game and the integration of Game Center with Apple News+. Moreover, users will notice enhancements such as the podcast widget’s ability to dynamically change color to match the podcast cover, among others.
Direct Application Downloads in Europe
Starting today, users in Europe have the option to download applications directly from websites, streamlining the process of acquiring new apps, notes NIX Solutions.
As Apple continues its testing phase, we’ll keep you updated on any further developments and changes to expect in iOS 17.5 and other associated updates.
A Look Back at Previous iOS 17 Updates
For those curious about the evolution of iOS 17, here’s a summary of key updates:
- iOS 17: Introduced standby mode, interactive widgets, and improved auto-correction.
- iOS 17.1: Featured enhancements to AirDrop, Apple Music, and standby mode.
- iOS 17.2: Introduced the Journal app, spatial video capabilities, and translation for the Action button.
- iOS 17.3: Added stolen device protection, Unity wallpapers, and collaborative playlists.
- iOS 17.4: Included EU app changes, new emoji additions, and updates to CarPlay functionality.
Stay tuned as we delve deeper into the changes and improvements brought by iOS 17.5.