Shortly after iPadOS 16 announcement, new details about the fresh “tablet” OS became known. According to the company, despite the compatibility with a large number of devices, only owners of the most powerful gadgets of the iPad family will be able to take advantage of all the benefits of the firmware.
We are talking about Stage Manager, a multitasking mode with the ability to resize windows on the gadget screen and group applications. It will be available only to users of tablets based on the M1 processor. According to a brand representative, it’s all about the resource intensity of the new feature, says 4PDA.
Stage Manager allows you to run up to eight applications at the same time, each of which can request up to 16 GB of memory for its needs. A less productive platform, according to an Apple employee, simply will not manage working on a similar mode of operation. Thus, only owners of the iPad Pro and iPad Air equipped with “laptop” processors will be able to take advantage of the innovation.
NIX Solutions notes that other iPadOS 16 features will be available on other iPad models. The stable version of the operating system will become publicly available this fall.